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If you prefer to speak with an education advisor about a personalised tutor match, please call Varsity Tutors UK at 0203 962 1468, to connect with an education advisor.

Craft and Design Tutors Near Me

First Tutors makes it easy to find quality local Craft and Design tutors. If you are looking for "the best Craft and Design tutors near me", we can help.

First Tutors enables you to find local Craft and Design tuition for any level from primary through to university level. We also offer online Craft and Design tutoring, so start finding your private Craft and Design tutor today!

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60,000+ tutors across the UK
  1. Saleema

    Craft and Design Tutor Near Me
    As a dynamic 1st class honors photography graduate, I display my commitment and talent in the field. Academically, I have achieved an A in A-level textiles, a B in A-level photography, and a grade 6 in GCSE Textiles, demonstrating my understanding of various media subjects. I am currently pursuing a...
  2. Petra

    Private Craft and Design Tuition
    Art teacher in a Kent Grammar School for the past 13 Years. Before that I taught on a BA course (theory, studio practice and dissertation supervision) and in an inner London Secondary. I'm bilingual, originally from Germany. I have a proven and t method of teaching students how to draw and paint, pr...
  3. Kai

    Craft and Design Tuition Near Me
    I am an Architect at Foster + Partners, but am keen to develop my practice to include teaching and educating as I believe that passing on expertise and knowledge is as important and honing these things for personal application. My approach is broad to suit the person and/or what is being focussed o...
  4. Julie

    Private Craft and Design Tutor
    I’ve been in education nearly all my life and enjoy this. I’m academic but also very creative coming from a design background but also a science one too. I’m also very experienced in English and enjoy tutoring this subject too. My approach is working with individual needs and their requirements to ...
  5. Gurjeet

    Home Tuition for Craft and Design
    Enthusiastic, creative and outgoing. Love meeting new people and new experiences Casual/professional in accordance with student personal requirements
  6. Clarissa

    Craft and Design Lessons
    As a professional, I believe in the power of in-person learning for its practical benefits, helping students develop more quickly. If you're more of a visual learner, I'm also open to this as everyone is different. I am very patient and attentive, ensuring that each lesson is tailored to the individ...
  7. Lauren

    Private Craft and Design Tuition
    I'm Lauren **Removed By Admin** and I have a published children's book on Amazon called Paws and Claws, and I have my degree in animation and illustration. All classes will be conducted in my discord server where you are able to also communicate and discuss methods with other students on your level....
  8. Garry

    Craft and Design Lessons
    I have been a practising artist in a variety of media, including illustration, comic art, design, film production and editing, animation and Web design. I have worked with all kinds of organisations and individuals over the years and have worked in a wide variety of fields. My experience as a practi...
  9. Jack

    Craft and Design Teacher
    I am a pragmatic and patient tutor with a knack for giving simple explanations for difficult subjects. I genuinely enjoy seeing the great results from my tutees and helping them on their journey to achieve their desired grades. My approach is very targeted towards the learners difficulties in the c...
  10. Bella

    Craft and Design Tutoring
    Hello I am a friendly, qualified Art teacher with six years of teaching experience and I have an ongoing personal art practice. I have a deep understanding of the assessment requirements for both A-level and GCSE Art. I am skilled in guiding students through portfolio development, preparing them for...

Why choose First Tutors for your Craft and Design tutor search in the UK?

First Tutors is the only website to search the most reliable local Craft and Design tutor for your educational needs. Each tutor is required to go through a thorough ID check. In addition, we have extensive student reviews on each instructor to help you narrow your online Craft and Design teacher search. Craft and Design can be a demanding subject, and working with an expert Craft and Design tutor can really help you fulfill your education goal(s). Regularly, already a little bit of extra Craft and Design tuition or some extra Craft and Design classes can make a significant impact! First Tutors is here to make it simple for you. Start private tuition now and find a professional Craft and Design tutor near you today!

Become a Craft and Design instructor in the UK!

Join First Tutors if you are an online tutor wishing to offer your online Craft and Design teaching, or any of our other subjects, please register with First Tutors or find out more about us here. An instructor can make a positive impact on a student's life!