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If you prefer to speak with an education advisor about a personalised tutor match, please call Varsity Tutors UK at 0203 962 1468, to connect with an education advisor.

Casual Learner Craft and Design Tutors Near Me

First Tutors will help you quickly find quality private Casual Learner Craft and Design tutors. If you are searching for "the best Casual Learner Craft and Design tutors near me", we can help.

First Tutors enables you to find private Craft and Design tuition for any level from primary through to university level. We also offer online Craft and Design tutoring, so start finding your Casual Learner Craft and Design tutor today!

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60,000+ tutors across the UK
  1. Fabiola

    Casual Learner Craft and Design Tutor Near Me
    Hi! I’m a freelance fashion designer. I’m passionate about sharing my knowledge and experiences with those who aspire to enter the world of design, graphic design, and media design or French. Whether you’re looking to develop your French language skills or explore fashion and art, I’m here to help ...
  2. NIcola

    Private Casual Learner Craft and Design Tuition
    Art and the Arts as a whole has always been my greatest passion and has made me who and what I am today. I am fascinated and intrigued by all aspects of art and design with a constant desire to continue growing and learning myself either through teaching or my practice. Teaching has and continues to...
  3. Fatemeh

    Casual Learner Craft and Design Tuition Near Me
    Knowledgeable artist, researcher, and teacher with excellent expertise in both traditional and new media in the area of fine arts and graphic design. • Professional art director, editor, content manager, art and book event organiser, and publicities with over fourteen years of experience. • Highly...
  4. Zubeyde Merve

    Private Casual Learner Craft and Design Tutor
    I'm a practicing artist mainly focused on sculpture and painting. I have graduated from UCL, with a BFA in Fine Art. I love working with all ages, levels and backgrounds. Every student is different so every class is different, no project is out of limit. We can create together!
  5. Bella

    Home Tuition for Casual Learner Craft and Design
    Hello I am a friendly, qualified Art teacher with six years of teaching experience and I have an ongoing personal art practice. I have a deep understanding of the assessment requirements for both A-level and GCSE Art. I am skilled in guiding students through portfolio development, preparing them for...
  6. Peter

    Casual Learner Craft and Design Lessons
    I'm a self taught photographer and passionate about both photography and flash photography. I want to share my skills and help others learn how to use their camera's to take great images and how to use flash, something that many new photographers struggle with. I adopt a simple and hands on approach...
  7. Ruth

    Private Casual Learner Craft and Design Tuition
    I have recently relocated to Brighton where I am currently teaching secondary school level on a part-time basis as well as running my own Photography business. I have a relaxed but proactive approach to teaching and pride myself on building a positive rapport with students to get the best out of th...
  8. Dominique

    Casual Learner Craft and Design Lessons
    Hi there, I'm an ex business owner in the bridal wear and tailoring work sector. I have experience with previous tutoring, that I have offered and delivered in the past and really enjoyed it, to children in regards to Maths and English. I still offer this to Primary ages. I also now like to teach Ad...
  9. Petra

    Casual Learner Craft and Design Teacher
    Art teacher in a Kent Grammar School for the past 13 Years. Before that I taught on a BA course (theory, studio practice and dissertation supervision) and in an inner London Secondary. I'm bilingual, originally from Germany. I have a proven and t method of teaching students how to draw and paint, pr...
  10. Amy

    Casual Learner Craft and Design Tutoring
    My name is Amy. I'm a professional artist with a degree in fine art **Web Address Removed** and I hold a PGCE teaching qualification for which I studied for two years with Plymouth University. I am a very caring, patient and understanding person with a great deal of empathy. I have excellent communi...

Why Tutor Search?

This is the best place to locate the most capable local Casual Learner Craft and Design teacher for you. Each teacher is required to go thorough ID check. In addition, we have extensive student reviews on each teacher to help you narrow your online Casual Learner Craft and Design teacher search. We provide tutor rates up front, so there are no hidden fees. Casual Learner Craft and Design can be a demanding subject, and working with an expert Craft and Design tutor can really help you fulfill your education goal(s)!

Want to be Casual Learner Craft and Design teacher for First Tutors?

If you are an online teacher wishing to offer your online Casual Learner Craft and Design classes, or any of our other subjects, please register with First Tutors or find out more about what we do here. Casual Learner Craft and Design instructor can make a positive impact in student's life. Join First Tutors today!