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A-Level Physics Tutors Near Me

First Tutors is here to help you find great private A-Level Physics tutors. If you are looking for "the best A-Level Physics tutors near me", we can help.

First Tutors will help you search for local Physics tuition for any level from primary through to university level and above. We also offer online Physics tuition, so start finding your A-Level Physics tutor today!

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  1. Rashed

    A-Level Physics Tutor Near Me
    Currently doing Post-Doc with copious experience on Private and group tutoring. My speciality is Science Subjects and Mathematics for KS2 to A level students. I aim to take an approach tailored to the capability and interest of the student. My target has always been towards increasing the interest a...
  2. Benjamin

    Private A-Level Physics Tuition
    Cambridge aerospace engineering graduate with extensive experience tutoring scientific and numerical subjects from GCSE to Degree Level. My tuition approach sees me go out of my way to tailor each session to the individual student's needs. I have hundreds of hours of tutoring experience from GCSE up...
  3. Fiona

    A-Level Physics Tuition Near Me
    Self employed experienced and qualified teacher,working from home. Use a variety of teaching techniques and media in order to mix it up and keep it fresh for the students.
  4. Mark

    Private A-Level Physics Tutor
    I tutor Maths, Chemistry and Physics up to A level / first year engineering degree, from age 7 upwards. As a full-time professional tutor with over 30 years teaching/tutoring experience I can teach your child to get the best test results and exam grades as well as imparting the longer-term benefits...
  5. Nicholas

    Home Tuition for A-Level Physics
    I'm a mathematician currently based in Bellshill, Lanarkshire. Until recently I was a researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn, Germany. Before Bonn I held research positions at Université Clermont Auvergne in France and at Lancaster University and, before that, did a doctorate...
  6. Jordan

    A-Level Physics Lessons
    My approach to tutoring is efficient, professional, but also enjoyable. As the student gains more confidence I will push them further, ensuring that they are never left in limbo where their ability and knowledge do not advance. Every session with me will end with the student having gained some new k...
  7. James

    Private A-Level Physics Tuition
    I am a friendly, patient and enthusiastic teacher who is passionate about physics and maths and helping students succeed at A-level. I can help with any A-level physics, maths or further maths exam board and I also am experienced in preparing students for the Oxford PAT, Cambridge ENGAA and Edexcel...
  8. Philbert

    A-Level Physics Lessons
    Currently working at CMR Surgical as an enginner, I graduated from University of Bath with a Masters in an Integrated Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. Previously I have obtained A-levels(2013) Mathematics: A Physic: A Futher Mathematics: B Music : B Chinese: B AS(2012) Economics:...
  9. Damian

    A-Level Physics Teacher
    Hello! I have been enthusiastic about science for as long as I can remember. I am passionate about my subject, bring a lot of relevant experience to my students and hope that I am making a difference to them. I also am an examiner and moderator for three of the main exam boards and have found this e...
  10. Jaimin

    A-Level Physics Tutoring
    I have just completed my BEng in Chemical Engineering at the University of Sheffield. I offer chemistry, physics and math tutoring for all levels. My teaching methods are very flexible and inclusive and I will adapt to your needs as a student very quickly to ensure clear communication so you may gra...

Our simple search tool at the top of the page allows you to type in your postcode so that we can provide you with a list of appropriate A-Level physics tutors close to where you live. You will then be able to make a decision based on a tutors qualifications, experience, charges and reviews whilst reading through each tutors unique and detailed profile description. This will help you start your A-Level physics tuition with confidence.

The standard model of Particle Phyics

Are you a A-Level Physics tutor?

If you are an A-Level physics tutor looking to offer your tutoring services in A-Level physics or any of our other subjects then First Tutors is the place for you. Our simple registration process means you could be online and ready for students to find you in a short amount of time. Simply register to create your own personal tutoring profile and start delivering A-Level physics tuition or click here to find out more.

A-Level Physics Question - Fields and their applications

Q. (i) Why, despite the electrostatic repulsion between protons, are the nuclei of most low nucleon number atoms stable?

Q. (ii) Why do stable nuclei of higher nucleon number have greater numbers of neutrons than protons?

A-Level Physics Riddle

Q: I am weightless, but you can see me. Put me in a bucket, and I'll make it lighter. What am I?

A-Level Physics Joke

Q: What did the nuclear physicist have for lunch?

A-Level Physics Fact

Uranus is the only planet in our solar system that rolls on its side like a barrel, while Venus is the only planet that spins in the opposite direction to Earth.