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Primary Physics Tutors Near Me

First Tutors helps you locate quality private Primary Physics tutors. If you are searching for "the best Primary Physics tutors near me", we can help.

First Tutors enables you to search for private Physics tuition for any level from primary through to university level. We also offer online Physics tutoring, so start finding your Primary Physics tutor today!

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  1. Muhammad

    Primary Physics Tutor Near Me
    I am Cambridge university graduate living in Cambridge. I am a father of 2 daughters and a son. I quickly access the capability and requirement of my students which help me to adopt a strategy needed to succeed my students in exam. I am very flexible in teaching and adapt my teaching style according...
  2. Hamza

    Private Primary Physics Tuition
    I'm Hamza, an aerospace engineering graduate currently working as a technical design engineer. My journey in engineering has equipped me with a deep understanding of mathematics, physics, and scientific principles, which I'm excited to share with aspiring learners. My academic background includes ri...
  3. Chun Hei

    Primary Physics Tuition Near Me
    Master's graduate at Imperial College, 43/45 Overall in IB, Experienced tutor with 5 years experience I like to teach by first principles, that is, explaining clearly the underlying principle and mathematical relationship so that the student will gain an intuitive understanding of the concept before...
  4. Trisha

    Private Primary Physics Tutor
    I am a medical student and a tutor teaching maths, biology, chemistry and physics from primary through to GCSE level and Primary school level English. I have always had a fond interest in science and maths, which I have engaged with over the course of my previous degree in Biomedical Science in whic...
  5. Claire

    Home Tuition for Primary Physics
    Qualified and experienced Science teacher and tutor - Alevels in Biology, Chemistry and Physics as well as a prize winning degree in Anatomical Science. I have management experience and have worked nationally and internationally in both the public and private sector. I am currently studying a master...
  6. Mayesha

    Primary Physics Lessons
    As a qualified, DBS checked and trained tutor at a private tuition centre, who studies at King’s College London and has offers from Imperial and UCL, I offer a wealth of experience and a personalised approach to support each student’s unique needs. My dedication to fostering a positive learning envi...
  7. Aditya

    Private Primary Physics Tuition
    I am a software Engineer by profession and I live in newbury for last 9 years and have done Bachelors of technology degree in Electronics & Communication Engg. My Maths and Physics concepts are very good and have helped my relatives and friends children in Maths and Physics . I tend to understand t...
  8. Beatrix

    Primary Physics Lessons
    As an experienced and dedicated educator, I prioritise creating an engaging and supportive learning environment tailored to each student's unique needs. My teaching style combines interactive techniques with structured lessons, ensuring that students not only understand the material but also develop...
  9. Sneha

    Primary Physics Teacher
    First class graduate with distinction in Mechanical Engineering with over 10 years of experience in multinational high profile projects. With a wealth of technical experience, I bring a unique blend of academic knowledge and practical insights. My teaching philosophy is based on creating a supportiv...
  10. Wai

    Primary Physics Tutoring
    I am a student at the University of Durham studying Computer Science. I play multiple sports like football, badminton and tennis. If I am not playing sports, I am on ProjectEuler, Sporcle, or GeoGuessr Personally, I use analogies and examples to get my point across. I often found this quite useful w...

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Solar system planets with faces

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Are you a qualified Primary Physics tutor? First Tutors welcomes new tutors constantly. It's a quick and simple process that just requires a tutor to register and create their own personal tutoring profile. If you are a primary physics tutor and would like to offer your tutoring services in any of our subjects please click here to find out more. Primary physics tutoring today is highly in demand and First Tutors is the leading service for matching parents with primary physics tutors.

Fun Primary Physics Experiment - What absorbs more heat?

Experiment with light, colour, heat and some water to find out whether it is better to wear light or dark coloured clothes on a hot summers day. Do dark or light coloured clothes absorb more heat?

Things you will need:

  • A thermometer
  • Sticky-tape or two elastic bands
  • 2 identical drinking glasses
  • White paper
  • Black paper

What to do:

  • Wrap one glass with the white paper and one glass with the black paper. Use the tape or elastic bands to secure them.
  • Fill the glasses with the same amount of water.
  • Place the glasses in the sun ad leave them there for a couple of hours.
  • Measure the temperature in each glass.

What you will see:

  • You should notice that the glass with the black paper is hotter than the glass with the white paper.
  • Darker colours absorb more light and heat that lighter colours.
  • Lighter colours reflect more light; hence it is better to wear lighter coloured clothes on a hot summers day to stay cooler!

Primary Physics Joke

Q: What do astronauts do when they get angry?

Primary Physics Fact

Light is incredibly fast. Light from the Earth takes just 1.255 seconds to reach the Moon, and light from the Sun takes 8 minutes 20 seconds to reach the Earth!