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Primary Physics Tutors Near Me

First Tutors is the best place to find top private Primary Physics tutors. If you are searching for "the best Primary Physics tutors near me", we can help.

First Tutors enables you to find private Physics tuition for any level from primary through to university level. We also offer online Physics tuition, so start finding your Primary Physics tutor today!

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  1. Thomas

    Primary Physics Tutor Near Me
    I serve as the Lead Science Teacher at a distinguished private independent school in Bath, where I have seven years of experience instructing students in both GCSE and A-Level courses. Alongside my teaching role, I offer personalized tutoring services, online and in-person, that have consistently le...
  2. Thomas

    Private Primary Physics Tuition
    I am a qualified teacher and tutor of over ten years' experience. After studying Physics at Imperial College, I taught maths and physics at a private tutorial college in Kensington before gaining a PGCE Teaching Certificate from the Institute of Education (University of London). I taught physics at ...
  3. Saima

    Primary Physics Tuition Near Me
    I am an experienced teacher of 12 years at an independent school in Reading, hold a PhD in chemistry, and have been an experienced specialist exam marker for Edexcel and AQA for the past 6 years. I have a wealth of knowledge and come highly recommended by my former students. Committed and enthusiast...
  4. Armin

    Private Primary Physics Tutor
    A free initial lesson is available to help you determine if you would like to continue. I take a very informal, friendly and interactive approach to tutoring. I provide a positive learning environment by quickly building a rapport with my students and helping them enjoy their learning. My Cancell...
  5. George

    Home Tuition for Primary Physics
    I am one of the most sought-after Maths and Physics tutors in London. I have a First Class degree in Mathematics and Management Studies from Cambridge University. I have also won the UK Sudoku Championship three times and represented the UK at numerous international puzzle competitions. I was a chil...
  6. Karen

    Primary Physics Lessons
    I offer Combined Science, Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Maths tuition to levels up to and including GSCE as well as AS and A2 level Chemistry. I've always enjoyed science and finding out how things work and why - but I especially love being able to teach others and share my knowledge and passion ...
  7. Sadaf

    Private Primary Physics Tuition
    Hi, This is Sam. I am a current A-level and GCSE Science teacher with 15 years of tutoring experience. I have an extensive knowledge of the AQA, Edexcel, OCR A, CIE and Eduqas (WJEC) exam boards. My students show remarkable improvement and achieve excellent results. Many of them have achieved ful...
  8. Ben

    Primary Physics Lessons
    Studying at the University of Oxford in fourth year of Master's degree in Physics. Was in the top 25 academics at Eton College (Sixth Form Select), and was made an Oppidan Scholar, an academic scholarship. Earned a gold award in the British Physics Olympiad (top 150 nationwide) and a merit in rou...
  9. Jennifer

    Primary Physics Teacher
    I am an experienced teacher / tutor with over 28 years' experience. I can help you if you are looking for a supportive and caring tutor who will always go the extra mile to make sure you achieve your goals and targets. I can help in all primary subjects, SATs preparation, 11+ exam preparation, CE or...
  10. Adeel

    Primary Physics Tutoring
    I am a fully qualified Doctor based in London. I have graduated from University of Health Sciences. I extremely enjoy tutoring, and have done so for 13 years with students studying for 8+, GCSEs, A-Levels and University. I am familiar with the curriculums for Maths, Biology, Chemistry and Physics f...

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Fun Primary Physics Experiment - What absorbs more heat?

Experiment with light, colour, heat and some water to find out whether it is better to wear light or dark coloured clothes on a hot summers day. Do dark or light coloured clothes absorb more heat?

Things you will need:

  • A thermometer
  • Sticky-tape or two elastic bands
  • 2 identical drinking glasses
  • White paper
  • Black paper

What to do:

  • Wrap one glass with the white paper and one glass with the black paper. Use the tape or elastic bands to secure them.
  • Fill the glasses with the same amount of water.
  • Place the glasses in the sun ad leave them there for a couple of hours.
  • Measure the temperature in each glass.

What you will see:

  • You should notice that the glass with the black paper is hotter than the glass with the white paper.
  • Darker colours absorb more light and heat that lighter colours.
  • Lighter colours reflect more light; hence it is better to wear lighter coloured clothes on a hot summers day to stay cooler!

Primary Physics Joke

Q: What do astronauts do when they get angry?

Primary Physics Fact

Light is incredibly fast. Light from the Earth takes just 1.255 seconds to reach the Moon, and light from the Sun takes 8 minutes 20 seconds to reach the Earth!