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Primary Physics Tutors Near Me

First Tutors makes it easy to find top private Primary Physics tutors. If you are searching for "the best Primary Physics tutors near me", we can help.

First Tutors enables you to locate local Physics tuition for any level from primary through to university level. We also offer online Physics tutoring, so start finding your Primary Physics tutor today!

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  1. Alexander

    Primary Physics Tutor Near Me
    I am an affable and laid-back professional with a First Class Masters degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Bristol currently working at a law firm in London. I have a passion for my specialist area around maths and physics and I have a proven and strong academic record to enable me...
  2. Sam

    Private Primary Physics Tuition
    Hello! My name is Sam, I am a 25 year old Clinical Scientist, Cambridge graduate and current PhD student at UCL. I have spent the last 3 years performing clinical training in the NHS, and am now embarking on a PhD in Experimental Medicine. With my wealth of academic and practical experience, I no...
  3. payal

    Primary Physics Tuition Near Me
    Qualified science honours graduate seeking students which allows me to use my strong teaching passion using my skills and knowledge and work with children of various abilities. I am a parent of two children. i enjoy travel and dancing. I have strong ability to efficiently work and maintain focus on ...
  4. Amy

    Private Primary Physics Tutor
    I am currently studying a Masters at Imperial College London. I graduated from the University of Sussex with a First Class Honours degree in Neuroscience in 2019. Having studied biological sciences, I am familiar with communicating complex ideas in ways that are easy to understand. I am a highl...
  5. Mudasser

    Home Tuition for Primary Physics
    My main line of work is an engineering consultant and I have over seven years of experience as an engineer having graduated from the University of Cambridge and Loughborough University. But I also have a passion for tutoring Maths and Science for ages 11-18. With these subjects being short of tea...
  6. Xintong

    Primary Physics Lessons
    fully DBS checked I've studied and attained degrees in maths and enjoy passing on this knowledge to others Qualified, friendly and experienced mathematics and mandarin tutor I have a degree in Mathematics with honours, (BSc (Hons) in Mathematics), Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) in S...
  7. Pawandeep

    Private Primary Physics Tuition
    Expert, dynamic and enthusiastic Mathematics and Science teacher and tutor with 10 years experience. Teaches: 7/11+/GCSE/A-Level and adult learners Science and Mathematics. I am committed to providing engaging teaching and learning, which will instil in students a passion for learning and changing t...
  8. Md Didarul

    Primary Physics Lessons
    Hi, I am Md. Didarul Islam. I am a Pharmacist. During my graduation and post-graduation, I learnt numerous topics and covered huge contents regarding not only "Pharmacology" but also different major courses like Physiology, Physical Pharmacy, Biopharmaceutics, Toxicity, Medicinal Chemistry, Cosmeto...
  9. Adam

    Primary Physics Teacher
    University of Warwick Lecturer and qualified Maths and Physics Teacher. My passions have always been characterised by three things: Maths, Physics and Education. This passion for Physics and Maths led to my 1st Class degree in Physics from a leading Russel Group University. It also led to interna...
  10. Ricardo

    Primary Physics Tutoring
    I am an experienced researcher in the field of Biology and have recently left my resarch position at the University of Zurich for a travelling break. My teaching approach is to be highly adaptive and to identify any weaknesses in the student's subject and to focus on these, while ensuring that the e...

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Fun Primary Physics Experiment - What absorbs more heat?

Experiment with light, colour, heat and some water to find out whether it is better to wear light or dark coloured clothes on a hot summers day. Do dark or light coloured clothes absorb more heat?

Things you will need:

  • A thermometer
  • Sticky-tape or two elastic bands
  • 2 identical drinking glasses
  • White paper
  • Black paper

What to do:

  • Wrap one glass with the white paper and one glass with the black paper. Use the tape or elastic bands to secure them.
  • Fill the glasses with the same amount of water.
  • Place the glasses in the sun ad leave them there for a couple of hours.
  • Measure the temperature in each glass.

What you will see:

  • You should notice that the glass with the black paper is hotter than the glass with the white paper.
  • Darker colours absorb more light and heat that lighter colours.
  • Lighter colours reflect more light; hence it is better to wear lighter coloured clothes on a hot summers day to stay cooler!

Primary Physics Joke

Q: What do astronauts do when they get angry?

Primary Physics Fact

Light is incredibly fast. Light from the Earth takes just 1.255 seconds to reach the Moon, and light from the Sun takes 8 minutes 20 seconds to reach the Earth!