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Government and Politics Tutors Near Me

First Tutors helps you locate top local Government and Politics tutors. If you are looking for "the best Government and Politics tutors near me", we can help.

First Tutors will help you search for private Government and Politics tuition for any level from primary through to university level. We also offer online Government and Politics tutoring, so start finding your private Government and Politics tutor today!

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60,000+ tutors across the UK
  1. Michael

    Government and Politics Tutor Near Me
    I consider myself to be an empathetic and patient teacher who is always willing to cater to the needs of the individual student. I am a good communicator and am able to explain complex issues in ways which allow students to develop the key skills needed for exam success. I like to bring all my exami...
  2. Richard

    Private Government and Politics Tuition
    I am a former Head of Sixth Form and Head of Humanities and has been at the forefront of developing teaching and learning strategies across a wide array of subjects. Specialising in History and Politics, I have also delivered success in Economics, Business Studies and Geography at both A-Level and G...
  3. Chloe

    Government and Politics Tuition Near Me
    Currently available for online sessions and for proof-reading / editing (both academic and individual/ business). Please get in touch for more details. In 2008 I graduated from the University of Aberdeen with an M.A. Honours (First) in History and International Relations, followed by a Master of ...
  4. Phillip

    Private Government and Politics Tutor
    My name is Phil and I am Head of Politics at an 11-18 school in Surrey. I have previously taught History up to and including A-Level. I have been teaching for six years. I am extremely passionate about the subjects that I teach and this is a passion that is evident when I am tutoring. I only tutor t...
  5. Debbie

    Home Tuition for Government and Politics
    I am a self-confessed geek; I learning about new ideas and teaching as I get to enthuse my learners with my passion for learning. I have high expectations of both myself and learners and all my students have exceeded their target grades. I believe that each learner is unique and each season is diffe...
  6. Nic

    Government and Politics Lessons
    I have over 20 years of experience as a classroom teacher, private tutor and examiner. Being a specialist in GCSE and A level I possess extensive knowledge in my subject specialisms and pedagogy. I am a passionate and enthusiastic teacher who enjoys working with students to develop their knowledge a...
  7. Harry

    Private Government and Politics Tuition
    I am an Oxford Graduate (philosophy) with a three year Masters in music (jazz saxophone) from Trinity Laban conservatoire, and, as of 2017, am a qualified teacher. I am now a full time tutor thus, while playing saxophone every day, treat tutoring as a full time job, so am able to fully commit to aid...
  8. Luke

    Government and Politics Lessons
    As a full-time teacher of 11 years, I appreciate the importance of an excellent education and that seeking tutoring assistance is often a difficult and daunting decision. Thereby, thank you for viewing my profile and I hope I can be of some service. I have 11 years experience teaching history and p...
  9. James

    Government and Politics Teacher
    I am an experienced Deputy Headteacher at a successful comprehensive school in Southfields, London. I am very passionate about giving young people as great an opportunity as possible to achieve academic success. Without question, it is the job of teachers and tutors to ensure the young people in the...
  10. Jay

    Government and Politics Tutoring
    Hi, my name is Jay and I am an experienced tutor with 100% positive feedback. I have a Research Masters in International Relations and Security from the University of Liverpool; a BA in Politics and International Relations from Queen Mary, University of London; A-Levels in English Literature, Histor...

Why choose First Tutors for your Government and Politics tutor search in the UK?

This is the only place to search the best local Government and Politics tutor for your educational needs. Each teacher is required to go through a thorough ID check. In addition, we provide extensive tutee reviews on each tutor to help you narrow your online Government and Politics teacher search. Government and Politics can be a difficult subject, and working with an expert Government and Politics teacher can really speed up your progress. Often, already a little bit of extra Government and Politics tuition or some extra Government and Politics classes can make a huge impact! First Tutors is here to make it simple for you. Start private tuition today and find a professional Government and Politics tutor near you today!

Become a Government and Politics teacher in the UK!

Join First Tutors if you are an online tutor wishing to offer your online Government and Politics classes, or any of our other subjects, please register with First Tutors or find out more about what we do here. A tutor can make a positive impact on a student's life!