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Available as a Maths and Physics tutor and have helped my students to score full marks up to A-Levels and can teach from a primary level upwards. I am currently studying towards a Masters in Computing at Imperial College London. I have achieved an A* in A-level Mathematics and Further Mathematics (98%) and an A in A-level Physics. I am available as a Mathematics tutor and Computer Science/ICT tutor up to and including A-level standard and as a Physics teacher up to GCSE level. I am also able to help out with personal statements for university for Maths, Physics, Engineering and Computing.

Tutoring Experience

I have spent the last eight years teaching at The Learning Hub, in addition, I am currently a mentor for students on the Engineering and Mathematics STEM enrichment course at Imperial College and have been doing so for a further three years. As a result, I have accumulated a great deal of experience working with students and helping them achieve their goals.

Tutoring Approach

I generally have a friendly but stern approach to my lessons, attempting to build up a rapport with my students whilst ensuring they gain a thorough understanding of the content involved and going over any parts they are unsure of.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Queen Elizabeth's Boys' School2015SchoolA-Level Mathematics : A*
Queen Elizabeth's Boys' School2015SchoolA-Level Further Mathematics: A*
Queen Elizabeth's Boys' School2015SchoolA-Level Physics: A

Harshil's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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